Professional Church Work Programs

This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Through its Department of Theology and Ministry in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Concordia University, Saint Paul supports four professional church work programs that prepare students to be placed on the roster of Commissioned Ministers of The LCMS: Director of Christian Education; Director of Christian Outreach; Director of Parish Music; and Lutheran Classroom Teacher. The department also houses the Pre-Pastoral and Pre-Deaconess Studies programs. For further information on any of these programs contact the Department of Theology and Ministry (651-641-8892;

Director of Christian Education

The Director of Christian Education (DCE) program prepares men and women to serve as lifespan educational leaders in various team ministry settings in the congregation. With different emphases and specializations, the DCE is there to help teach the Christian faith to children and adults across the lifespan. The DCE program is five years in duration, entailing the core Bible and theology component, a cluster of more specialized courses, and one year devoted to a supervised internship.

Director of Christian Outreach

The Director of Christian Outreach (DCO) program prepares outreach specialists for service to the church. A DCO helps to assess outreach opportunities unique to a ministry setting and to equip each congregation to bring the Gospel to people in the most winsome and effective ways possible. The DCO may serve in North America or on a foreign mission field. The DCO program entails a core of academic work in Lutheran theology, a core of specialized courses, and one year devoted to a supervised internship.

Director of Parish Music

The Director of Parish Music (DPM) program uses music of all forms and times while drawing on the rich liturgical tradition of the Lutheran church in the leadership and enhancement of the worship of the Church. The DPM program helps men and women serve God and God’s gathered people through the gift of music. The Director of Parish Music will be active in worship planning, while equipping, leading, and teaching others in worship and music. A DPM program entails a core of academic work in Lutheran theology, its own curriculum in music and music education, and a supervised fieldwork experience.

Lutheran Classroom Teacher

The Lutheran Classroom Teacher program is a partnership between the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Education, preparing men and women for teaching careers in one of the more than 2,500 pre-school, elementary or secondary schools of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. A student preparing to be a Lutheran Classroom Teacher meets the requirements for Minnesota state licensure as a teacher through the College of Education and meets the requirements for church certification through the Department of Theology and Ministry. The programs between the two colleges are integrated and coordinated in such a way as to benefit the student in achieving ministry goals.

Pre-Seminary Education

The pre-pastoral program at Concordia University, Saint Paul equips students for success at a Lutheran seminary, where they receive their formal education for service in Word and Sacrament ministry.

Pre-Deaconess Education

The pre-deaconess program at Concordia University, Saint Paul prepares students for Word and Service ministry as a Deaconess. Beginning the program at Concordia University, Saint Paul, the pre-deaconess student may transfer at the beginning of the junior year for continued preparation in the Concordia University, Chicago Deaconess program, or she may graduate from CSP with a major in theology and may continue preparation at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri or Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, earning a Master of Arts degree and the Deaconess certification.