Academic Policies and Procedures: Graduate

Fulltime Status

Graduate students are considered full-time students when they have been admitted to the university and are registered for a minimum of 6 credits per semester.

Time Limits for Completion

  • Master’s degree programs at Concordia University must be completed within five years of the first date of the beginning of the first course.
  • Ed.S. degree programs must be completed within six years of the beginning of the first course.
  • Ed.D. degree programs must be completed within seven years of the beginning of the first course.
  • Ph.D. degree programs must be completed within seven years of the beginning of the first course.
  • DPT degree programs must be completed within four years of the beginning of the first course.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course. If students repeat a course, both courses remain on the student’s transcript but only the higher/highest grade is used in computing a student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Auditing Courses

Students who satisfy the requirements for admission may register to audit a course without receiving academic credit for the course. Registration procedures are the same as for credit-bearing courses. Auditing students need not meet regular course requirements but should confer with the instructor as to their privileges and responsibilities in the course. Upon completion of the course, an entry is made on the student’s permanent record along with other classes. Students may find it helpful to audit a course to review materials for a more advanced course or to enrich an interesting area. Auditors are excluded from laboratory and studio participation. Graduate students may change regular registration to an audit before the end of the fourth week of the semester. Registration may be canceled for non-attendance.

Transfer Credit

Up to 50 percent of the credits necessary for a Concordia University - St. Paul graduate degree may be accepted for transfer from an accredited graduate school.   The credits must be appropriate to the student's program and the course(s) must be equivalent to the course(s) in the program (i.e. outcomes (objectives) need to match).   Application for transfer of credit is made by the student to the Advisor. The credits must be certified by the Registrar and approved for the degree program by the program director.

1.  Normally no credits will be accepted for transfer into the DPT program.

2.  Only courses with a grade of B or better may be accepted for transfer credit. 

3.  Normally credits older than seven years will not be accepted. 

4.  The chair of the graduate program or designee will make the determination whether a student is required to audit a course in place of taking the course for a grade.  

5.  Students taking graduate-level courses as a part of Concordia  University - St. Paul graduate certificate, approved by the Graduate Policies Committee, may apply the entire graduate certificate's credits to the graduate in which it is connected.  

Good Standing 

To remain in good standing, a graduate student must maintain a 2.0 grade-point average for all courses in the graduate program. Students not in good standing must return to good standing during the next semester or be dropped from the program.

Drop of Registration and Withdrawal from Courses

Students may drop their registration from a course without record during the first (1st) week of the course. Students may withdraw from courses any time after the first (1st) week of the course through the fifth (5th) week and receive a “W” grade.

Withdrawal Procedures

  1. Students are able to drop courses online through the drop dates posted on the academic calendar.
  2. After the drop period is over, students must submit a signed Registration Restriction Form with the instructor and advisor signatures.
  3. Effective dates for withdrawals will be determined by the date when the properly completed Registration Restriction Form is received in the Registrar’s Office.
  4. Withdrawal from coursework may have financial implications. Students will receive100% tuition refunds only for courses from which they withdrew prior to the 6th business day of the term. See financial policies for further information.

Withdrawal from the University

Students who desire to discontinue from the university, take a leave of absence, or change their cohort must contact their academic advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to fulfill all necessary obligations by contacting the following: financial aid office, student accounts, library/information services/help desk, security, and offices issuing special equipment, such as laptops, instruments, keys, and athletic equipment. Students who officially withdraw from school will receive refunds and grades according to the standard schedule. Students who discontinue without notice will be liable for any financial obligations.

Students who are asked to leave Concordia University as a result of administrative dismissal or academic disqualification, may appeal. In this case, students should contact their academic advisor.

Grading System

A Superior 4 grade points
B Above Average 3 grade points
C Average 2 grade points
D Below Average 1 grade point
F Failure 0 grade points
I In progress 0 grade points
W Withdrawal 0 grade points
P Pass Not included in grade point calculations
N No pass Not included in grade point calculations

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

  1. To remain in good standing, a graduate student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average and complete a minimum of 67% of all attempted graduate-level coursework. Incompletes (I) and withdrawals (W) do not count toward completion.
  2. When a student does not maintain satisfactory progress, the university will impose certain restrictions that will affect the student’s eligibility for enrollment.
    1. Academic Warning: Academic probation is a formal warning that students did not achieve satisfactory progress. Students will be notified of their warning status in writing by the registrar.
    2. Disqualification: Disqualification occurs when students do not meet satisfactory academic progress requirements for two consecutive terms. Students will be notified of their disqualification in writing by the registrar. Students are ineligible to register for subsequent terms. Students may appeal to be readmitted by completing the Disqualification Appeal Form.
    3. Academic Probation:  A student who is Disqualified/Suspended from the University, and has submitted an approved appeal will be placed on Academic Probation. A student on Academic Probation will be issued an Academic Plan by his/her Advisor, and will have one semester (unless approved for additional semesters) to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress.  Any student failing to meet the terms outlined by the Academic Plan and/or Satisfactory Academic Progress will be immediately suspended from the University.  

Disqualification Appeal Process

A Disqualification Appeal Form must be submitted to the academic appeals committee. The academic appeals committee will decide approval or denial of students who are appealing their academic disqualification. Appeals must be submitted to the academic appeals committee at least two weeks before the start of the term for which the student desires readmission. The appeal must state what undue hardship caused the student’s inability to meet satisfactory progress standards. The hardships could include illness, injury, or death of an immediate relative. Only special extenuating circumstances will be considered. Students must also explain how they propose to remedy their situation. If the appeal is successful, the student is readmitted on probationary status. Appeals are approved for one term only.

Financial Hold

Students who are not current in their financial obligations to Concordia University are placed on financial hold. While on financial hold, students:

  • may have their course management system disabled (i.e., Blackboard)
  • may be subject to late fees on any and all unpaid balances
  • may have financial aid canceled for future terms
  • may be de–registered from future class registration
  • may be unable to receive diplomas

Appeal of Policy and Procedure

Graduate students may appeal decisions made by program faculty or administrators regarding disqualification, re-admission, grade change, or academic integrity regarding entry into a program, continuation in a program, or questions that may arise as a result of a candidate’s academic performance in a program.

Steps for making an appeal:

  1. Student submits completed appeal to the Dean's Office
  2. The Dean reviews the form and determines if an appeal should be granted based on the stated reason for appeal.
    1. If the request for appeal is denied, the Dean will email the student with the reason for denial.
    2. If the request for appeal is approved, the Dean will email the student and follow up..
  3.  Appeal Option
    1. If an appeal is denied, the student may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs a final time. 
    2. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the case and email the student the decision and reason.
    3. No further appeals are allowed after this decision.

Research with Human Subjects

Ethical and policy issues in research involving human participants are grounded in Concordia University’s mission in the enlightened care of God’s creation and the safeguarding of human participants in all research under which the University is a part. The University will comply with all federal regulations requiring the establishment and operation of an Institutional Review Board for the protection of human participants. All research that can be defined as "a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge" (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 45 CFR 46) must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Participants.