General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements

The purpose of the general education curriculum is to provide Concordia University students with the opportunity to grow in their ability to:

  1. discover, confront and explore unfamiliar information and ideas;
  2. use available academic resources and skills to think analytically, critically, and synthetically;
  3. use appropriate and current technology for research and problem solving; and
  4. ideally move beyond the academic data itself to formulate and express new insights and ideas.

Communication (6 credits required)

Communication offerings are designed to develop a student’s understanding and application of research and critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate information, identify and evaluate source material, integrate differing points of view, and establish a reasoned course of action for effectively solving problems and demonstrating effective verbal, nonverbal, and/or visual skills (i.e., reading, writing, speaking, listening, audience awareness, and/or conflict resolution). Students must complete courses from two different disciplines. 

COM 110Interpersonal Communication3
COM 213Public Speaking3
ENG 121College Writing3

Social Science (6 credits required)

Social Science is the study of human society and/or behaviors and cause and effect. Social Science offerings are designed to develop a student's understanding of individual or social human behavior from the perspective of one or more disciplines of the social sciences, knowledge of empirical methods for studying human behavior, and to use theories and concepts of human behavior with appropriate empirical evidence to analyze contemporary social issues (historical events, cultural and societal differences), consumer behavior, and/or the inter-workings of an economy, how to analyze and interpret data from a social science context, and evaluate society as a whole. Students must complete courses from two different disciplines.

ECO 103Macroeconomics3
HIS 122World History3
HIS 222Leaders in American Society3
POL 132Government and Politics3
PSY 102Introduction to Psychology3
SOC 151Introduction to Sociology3
KHS 325Exploring the Science of Sport, Health, and Wellness3

Mathematics (3 credits required)

The mathematics general education curriculum is designed to develop students' understanding of basic mathematical concepts, develop their abilities to analyze and solve mathematical problems, and promote mathematical awareness in the analysis of problem-solving strategies and the interpretation of results to help them make decisions in their lives and careers.

MAT 101Contemporary Mathematics3
MAT 110Introduction to Probability and Statistics3
MAT 165Quantitative Reasoning for Health Care Professionals 13
MAT 200Foundations of Elementary Mathematics 24

Designed for Diagnostic Medical Sonography Nursing majors only.


Recommended for Teacher Education students

Science (4 credits required)

Natural Science offerings are designed to equip students with the tools to understand scientific issues in today’s world by increasing their knowledge of natural science principles and scientific inquiry, and appreciation of the importance of science in their lives.
BIO 120General Biology I4
CHE 105Chemistry for Health Sciences4
PHS 112Introductory Physics for Health Sciences4
SCI 120Live Science: How Scientific Issues Impact Your Daily Life4

Humanities (6 credits required)

The humanities/arts general education curriculum increases students' awareness, understanding and critical appreciation of aesthetic and literary works of human imagination.Students must complete courses from two different disciplines.

ART 106Introduction to Art3
ENG 156Introduction to Literature3
MUS 122Music for Life3
THR 103Introduction to the Theatre3

Religion and Theology (5-6 credits required; 3 Introductory, 2-3 Intermediate)

Theology general education offerings are designed to foster understanding of the Gospel and its Biblical source from the perspective of Lutheran theology, including implications of the Gospel for human experience and for a vocation in home, workplace, public life, and congregation.

Introductory (3 credits)
THL 125Introduction to the Bible3
THL 206New Testament 13
Intermediate (2-3 credits)
THL 320Global Christianity3
THL 326Christian Ethics3
THL 343Athens and Jerusalem: Philosophy and Christianity3
THL 345Callings: Christianity and Vocation3
THL 346Martin Luther: Saint & Sinner3
THL 355Understanding World Religions for Healthcare Professionals 21
THL 358Christianity and World Religions3
THL 360Christianity and the Media in Contemporary Culture3
THL 372Mission of God3
THL 378Christian Vocation and Ethics for Healthcare Professionals 21
THL 379Faith and Justice in the City3
THL 431Lutheran Doctrine I 13

Designed for professional church work students only


Designated for Nursing students only