Legal Notices

The Concordia University Board of Regents operates Concordia University as an institution of higher education.

All information in this Academic Catalog was current at the time of publication. However, the information in this catalog does not constitute a contract between Concordia University and the student. The material contained in this catalog is for information only. The university reserves the right to make changes in curricula, admissions policies and processes, tuition and financial aid, academic standards and guidelines, student services and any other regulations or policies set forth in this catalog without giving prior notice. All questions may be referred to the Office of Academic Affairs. Concordia University, Saint Paul, is registered with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions of higher education.

Student Consumer Information

Concordia University fully complies with Public Law 101-542 The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, as amended by Public Law 102-26, the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991. Under these laws, retention and completion rates for entering students are kept by the associate dean of enrollment and are available to all current and prospective students. The Safety and Security office makes available to all students various policies and statements regarding campus security, including statistics on various types of crime that may have occurred. A copy of the campus Alcohol and Drug Policy can be found in the Student Policies Handbook.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Concordia University does not discriminate for admission of students on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, age, marital status, veteran or veteran disability status, or sexual orientation.

Any persons having inquiries concerning Concordia University’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX or Section 504 or Americans with Disabilities Act are directed to contact one of the following:

Dee Ann Kerr,  Director of HR Operations
Concordia University
1282 Concordia Avenue
Saint Paul, MN, 55104-5494
(651) 641-8794 or

Persons may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, regarding the institution’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX Section 504, or Americans with Disabilities Act.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act - Confidentiality

Students enrolled at Concordia University, Saint Paul, are required to give certain information in order that the university may make reasonable judgments about them, provide services, and give informed advice regarding courses to be followed. Such personal data and information may become part of the student education record. Students may make the justifiable assumption that the university, as custodian of this data, will preserve the data’s private nature. By requiring or requesting such information, Concordia University gives assurance that the information will be protected against improper disclosure.

Concordia University observes the following principles:

  1. Appropriate Concordia University officials are held directly responsible and accountable for the careful protection of student education records against possible misuse.
  2. Within Concordia University, student education records will be used only for appropriate research, educational, and Concordia University administrative functions. Access to those records is allowed only to those members of Concordia University community whose designated responsibilities reasonably require access or to persons to whom the student has given written permission for access.
  3. Concordia University provides the student with the right to access, inspect and obtain copies of all information in student education records except a) financial information submitted by parents and b) confidential letters and recommendations collected under established policies of confidentiality or to which the student has waived in writing the right of inspection and review.
  4. Concordia University gives students the right to request amendment of the contents of student education records, to have a hearing if the result of the request for amendment is unsatisfactory, and to include a statement for inclusion in the record if the decision resulting from the hearing is unacceptable to the student.
  5. Concordia University notifies students annually of their privacy rights, their right to file complaints concerning alleged failures of Concordia University to comply with their privacy rights, and where copies of the Concordia University policy and procedures on access to student records may be obtained.
  6. The student education records of Concordia University vary in their nature and location. Steps taken to protect against improper disclosure are designed for the circumstance.

Student Education Records

Directory Information - Category I

The student’s name, address, electronic (E-mail) address, home town, telephone number, dates of enrollment and enrollment status (full time, part time, not enrolled, withdrawn and date of withdrawal), major, minor, adviser, photo, college and class, academic awards and honors received (including dean’s list recognition), curricular and co-curricular activities, and (in the event of the student’s graduation) the degree(s) received/conferred (including dates), are matters of public record or directory information. Therefore, Concordia University officials and departments may provide this information, in answer to inquiries, without requiring authorization from the student. However, students may prohibit disclosure of directory information at any time during their enrollment. The entire student file may be marked confidential if the student completes a Student Information Suppression / Release Form. The form is available on the Student Portal. Records remain suppressed until a Student Information Suppression / Release Form is completed to release information.

Directory Information Category II (For Student Athletes Only)

Past and present participation in university sponsored athletics, physical factors (height, weight of athletes) and birth date are considered directory information for athletes only.

Other Student Educational Records

Student education records other than directory information include, but are not limited to: transcripts, test scores, college advising records, disciplinary files, financial aid information, housing records, and records of educational services that are provided to students. Such records are not disclosed to anyone except:

  1. The student and others on written authorization by the student;
  2. Persons within Concordia University who have a legitimate interest in the information for educational, administrative, or research purposes;
  3. Other educational institutions in which the student seeks to enroll, provided the disclosure is limited to official copies of student transcripts or test scores from the appropriate Concordia University office;
  4. Other organizations conducting educational research studies provided the studies are conducted in a manner that will not permit identification of students and the information will be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which the study was conducted;
  5. Persons in compliance with a court order or lawfully issued subpoena, provided that a reasonable attempt is made to notify the student in advance of compliance thereof;
  6. Appropriate persons in connection with an emergency, provided the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals;
  7. Accrediting organizations and state or federal education authorities when the information is needed for auditing, evaluating, or enforcing legal requirements of educational programs, provided the accrediting organizations and authorities protect the data in a manner that will not permit the personal identification of students and personally identifiable information is destroyed when no longer needed;
  8. Appropriate persons or agencies in connection with a student’s application for or receipt of financial aid to determine eligibility, amount, or conditions of financial aid;
  9. Parents of a dependent student as defined under the Internal Revenue Code. (Each time a parent requests access to records the parent must submit a current tax statement listing the dependent student.)

Other Student Records - Non-Academic

Concordia University maintains other records that contain information about students. Information in medical or psychological counseling records, including results of examinations by Concordia University personnel, is afforded greater protection. Concordia University obtains such information with a commitment as to its highly private nature. Such records should not be disclosed except

  1. under direct written authorization by the student,
  2. pursuant to a court order signed by a judge, or
  3. as otherwise required by law.

Concordia University Security and Human Resources records contain information about students, but are not student education records and are not covered by this policy. University offices which are responsible for such records observe information release policies which protect the subjects of such records against improper disclosure and are consistent with applicable laws.

The Title IX implementing regulations at 34 C.R.F. 106.8(a) require that each recipient designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX. The coordinator’s responsibilities include investigating complaints communicated to the recipient alleging noncompliance with Title IX. Section 106.8(a) also requires the recipient to notify all students and employees of the name, address, and telephone number of the designated coordinator. Section 106.8(b) requires that each recipient adopt and publish grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints under Title IX. To file a grievance regarding possible Title IX Compliance, grievance must be submitted in writing to Dee Ann Kerr, Title IX Coordinator.