Positive Behavior Interventions (PBIX)

PBIX 500   Building Peace Through Restorative Practices in Schools 3 credits

This course introduces teachers to a holistic approach to classroom management based on the principles of restorative justice in schools. While traditional classroom management often relies on a system of rewards and punishments to encourage positive behavior, restorative practices focus on building healthy relationships, fostering social and emotional skills, encouraging engagement, and empowering students to address and correct misbehaviors cooperatively. When we invite students to take an active role in both preventing and repairing the harm caused by misbehavior, we build stronger school communities. Incorporating classroom strategies, school-wide policy recommendations, and personal experiences, this course provides a solid framework for teachers to use as they create a climate of warmth and inclusion that respects all people and also holds everyone accountable for being a good citizen.This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

PBIX 501   Priceless, Proactive Classroom Management Practices 3 credits

Classroom management can be a challenge for educators, and there are as many schools of thought as there are behaviors! This course will introduce you to some of the main frameworks and philosophies of classroom management, and you’ll learn how they work with one another to increase success for students. You’ll explore fundamental strategies to proactively set the stage for learning and learn new-to-you strategies to help your students thrive in your classroom. Positive behavior is a learned skill, and you will leave this course with tools and frameworks to support student learning in your classroom the very next day. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

PBIX 502   Support for Students in Behavioral Crises 2 credits

Explosive, aggressive, and even violent behavior can be the result of the crises in students’ mental health. Those who are not trained in special behavior supports need tools to help students and themselves in crisis situations. This course provides information about why behaviors might occur, the stages within the crisis cycle, and proactive strategies for reducing crisis behavior before it starts. Learn about current crisis protocol in some schools, and de-escalation techniques for “in the moment” reactions. You’ll leave this course with a plan and a toolkit of information to support you, those in crisis, and all students in your classroom, to ensure safety and wellbeing for all. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

PBIX 503   PBIS 101 3 credits

Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) has taken hold in many schools throughout the nation, and implementation has led to positive changes in the way schools address behavior concerns. This course introduces the concept of PBIS, and leads educators through the processes of setting up and implementing the school-wide framework through Tier 1, with action steps to determine readiness for the next two Tiers. We highly recommend this course to groups of educational professionals who are interested in beginning the PBIS framework in their school or district. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

PBIX 504   Raise the Bar: Positive Interventions for Students Who Challenge Us 3 credits

Challenging behavior can certainly get in the way of academic progress, but there is hope! This course gives plenty of techniques and strategies for K-8 teachers to proactively assist students in achieving target behaviors through positive behavior intervention. By deconstructing the functions of the problem behaviors, educational professionals can address the root of a child’s issue instead of simply addressing the behavior. This course gives a solid road map for the philosophy behind positive behavior intervention systems (PBIS) while offering several different ways to get you (and your students) to your destination: appropriate behavior that is conducive to a positive learning environment. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel

PBIX 505   MTSS for Student Success 3 credits

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a pyramid of supports designed to assist all students in the areas of academics, social-emotional learning, and behavior. This course will provide you with the basics of MTSS to support you and your school through implementation of this wide-reaching framework. With a focus on the main components of MTSS, you’ll gain a foundational understanding of the pyramid and work toward identifying needs and gaps in your school or district. Get ready to explore Tiers 1-3, and the variety of intervention options for students, and to apply progress monitoring to measure success through data collection. This course for teacher leaders, administrators, or district leaders is a perfect “first step” toward MTSS! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

PBIX 506   Hybrid: Raise the Bar: Positive Interventions for Students Who Challenge Us 3 credits

Challenging behavior can certainly get in the way of academic progress, but there is hope! This course gives plenty of techniques and strategies for K-8 teachers to proactively assist students in achieving target behaviors through positive behavior intervention. By deconstructing the functions of the problem behaviors, educational professionals can address the root of a child’s issue instead of simply addressing the behavior. This course gives a solid road map for the philosophy behind positive behavior intervention systems (PBIS) while offering several different ways to get you (and your students) to your destination: appropriate behavior that is conducive to a positive learning environment.This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

PBIX 507   Effective Strategies for Addressing Off-Task Behavior 3 credits

In this time of elevated student mental health challenges and increased responsibilities for educators, fresh ideas for behavior management and relationship building are needed more than ever. This course features practical strategies to minimize off-task behavior through proactive and low-key intervention strategies, explicit instructions for behavior expectations, and ready-to-implement routines. Review strategies for equitable behavior management practices and explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to increase efficiency and formalize behavior intervention. Educators will also investigate strategies for executive function challenges to help students focus and stay on task. As a result of completing this course, learners will have a refreshed toolbox to keep students engaged and on task.This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.