College of Business and Technology

Intercultural Communication Minor

COM 309Intercultural Communication4
COM 409Advanced Intercultural Communication Seminar4
COM 443Persuasive Communication4
COM 327Topics in Communication 14
Choose 1 course from the following Communication Studies Courses:4
Media and Public Relations (4)
Social Media Relations & Analytics (4)
Family Communication (4)
Organizational Communication (4)
Please choose 2 to 4 credits from below:2-4
World Art (4)
Internship (1-12)
World Literature II: Geographic or Thematic (4)
Healthcare Diversity and Global Issues (4)
US Foreign Policy (4)
Hmong Culture and Society (4)
Global Marketing (2)
Minority Groups (4)
Global Christianity (4)
Total Credits22-24

This course is to be repeated twice.