College of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Colloquy (CLQ)

CLQ 130   Introduction to Christian Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Students explore structures and roles of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, along with essential skills for effective Christian ministry practice and service. Incorporating scriptural, theological, historical, and social foundations of Christian ministry, students develop a personal philosophy of ministry.

CLQ 140   Engaging God's Mission for the 21st Century 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Students examine the mission of God throughout the Biblical narrative and its application as the Church proclaims the Christian Gospel today. Through an exploration of scriptural, theological, historical and social foundations of Christian mission, students develop a personal philosophy of mission and outreach rooted in Lutheran theology.

CLQ 150   Foundations for Music Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. The role of Director of Parish Music will be discussed as it relates to the local/congregational levels, as well as the community, district, and synodical levels. In depth-topics will include administrative and leadership roles unique to their individual congregational settings, including but not limited to: overseeing church music ensembles, multi-generational volunteer recruitment, and the creation of festival services.

CLQ 225   Worship for Lutherans 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course provides an in-depth exploration of Lutheran worship practices, traditions, and theology. Students will examine the historical development of Lutheran liturgy, the role of music and sacraments, and the theological underpinnings of worship within the Lutheran tradition. Key topics will include the structure and elements of the Lutheran Divine Service, the significance of the church year, and various Lutheran rites and ceremonies.

CLQ 320   Global Christianity 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course offers exploration of Global Christianity, with a particular focus on the Lutheran tradition and its impact worldwide. Students will examine the historical development and diverse expressions of Christianity as it has spread and evolved across different cultures and continents. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and analytical skills to understand the unique contributions and ongoing relevance of the Lutheran tradition in contemporary global contexts.

CLQ 332   Mission in Context 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course explores the dynamics of Christian mission and ministry across various cultural landscapes. Emphasizing the integration of biblical interpretative principles and Lutheran perspectives on Law and Gospel, students will learn to craft and execute ministry experiences with cultural sensitivity. By engaging in practical projects, participants will cultivate a reflective approach that honors and includes diverse viewpoints and traditions.

CLQ 350   Youth Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. In this course, students develop skills for leading a relational and Christ-centered ministry for and with youth in a congregation. Students will address theological, cultural, educational, and administrative aspects of leading youth ministry today.

CLQ 358   Christianity and World Religions 1 credit

CLQ 360   Children’s & Family Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. In this course, students will develop skills and knowledge for leading essential congregational ministry to children and families. Students will learn Biblical, theological, and sociological principles as well as current and emerging ministry theories that will help them develop engaging ministry practices, experiences, and programs for children and families.

CLQ 365   Confirmation Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Exploring confirmation in the Lutheran church, students study effective approaches to confirmation programming. Topics include confirmation’s history and current state, purpose, structures, curriculum options, and more.

CLQ 372   Mission of God 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course delves into the concept of the Mission of God, exploring its theological foundations and practical implications for contemporary ministry. Students will examine the biblical narrative to understand how God's mission unfolds through history and continues to impact the world today. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on projects, students explore the role of the church and individuals in participating in God's redemptive work globally and locally.

CLQ 375   Adult Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Adult learning theory is foundational in the development of adult education for today’s church. In this course, students assess and apply theories of adult learning, spiritual formation, effective teaching, and adult spiritual direction strategies to better develop programs designed to serve members in all stages of adulthood.

CLQ 402   Foundations for Teaching and Learning 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Students explore the scriptural, theological and historical role of Christian education in ministry settings. This exploration aids students as they teach the Christian faith across the lifespan through an intentional implementation of Christian education programs, experiences, and instructional methodologies.

CLQ 422   Leadership in Ministry 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course supports students in ministry leadership roles as they examine leadership and followership theory and practice, along with their connection to the Christian faith. Students reflect on their leadership style, increase their leadership capacity, and design experiences to equip and empower volunteers in ministry settings.

CLQ 442   Instrumental Literature and Methods for the Church 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course covers instructional methods and literature for instrumental ensembles commonly used in worship, including contemporary worship ensembles, brass ensembles, handbell choirs, and more.

CLQ 446   Choral Literature and Methods for the Church 1 credit

This course is designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. This course covers instructional methods and literature for sacred choral music. Emphasis will be placed on accessible literature for church choirs from the Renaissance through Modern eras.

CLQ 478   Commissioned Ministry Internship for LCMS Colloquy I 1 credit

This course is the first part of an internship experience designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Ministry internship provides DCE, DCO, and DPM students a twelve month, full-time supervised involvement in the educational, outreach, or parish music ministries of a cooperating congregation or cross-cultural organization where they are currently serving. Students will focus on growth and experience in a variety of professional ministry tasks

CLQ 479   Commissioned Ministry Internship for LCMS Colloquy II 1,2 credits

This course is the second part of an internship experience designed for students enrolled in an LCMS Colloquy program. Ministry internship provides DCE, DCO, and DPM students a twelve month, full-time supervised involvement in the educational, outreach, or parish music ministries of a cooperating congregation or cross-cultural organization where they are currently serving. Students will focus on growth and experience in a variety of professional ministry tasks