Special Needs and Gifted Students (SNGX)

SNGX 500   Differentiation for Students Identified as Gifted 3 credits

Get ready to dive into the minds of students who are identified as gifted as we explore ways for them to use their unique characteristics for engagement in the classroom. You will tackle the important issue of why minority groups are often left out of gifted education, and brainstorm ideas to level the playing field. Beyond academics, you’ll learn how to nurture their social and emotional social growth to thrive in and out of school. You will design engaging lesson plans with tiered activities and mind-blowing group strategies, and create a plan to involve families and caregivers in the gifted classroom. Get ready to boost academic and SEL skills for students identified as gifted! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 508   Special Education Process and Law 3 credits

More than 7 million students receive special education services each year in the United States. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) currently leads special education programming, and a detailed understanding of this law can ensure that educators are able to apply the elements to support students with disabilities. Throughout this course, you’ll navigate the multitudes of special education vocabulary, the specific disability categories covered under IDEA, and create a stronger understanding of Individual Education Programs (IEPs), 504 plans and legislation that has shaped special education today! This course will help you implement programming to ensure students are supported and successful in school! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 512   A Quick Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI) 3 credits

In today’s world, teachers are tasked with many things, including identifying, monitoring, and tracking student progress. For the students who are struggling, utilizing the Response to Intervention (RTI) model can help teachers support struggling learners through its multi-tiered approach. This course will guide teachers through the identification of struggling students, incorporating and monitoring interventions, and determining when additional support, such as special education services, is required. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 516   The Gen Ed Guide to Special Ed 3 credits

With more than 7.3 million children with disabilities currently receiving special education services across the United States, teachers need skills and knowledge to reach and teach all students! This course gives general educators a look into the history of special education, the process for identification and diagnosis, as well as a view into how to support students in an inclusive classroom. You’ll utilize the new learning to ensure you have a strong foundation in the 13 types of disabilities, strategies you can use, and methods for engagement within the classroom. This course will give you essential knowledge and skills to serve all students! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 520   A Guide to Oppositional Behavior Disorder (ODD) and Similar Behavioral Challenges 3 credits

Defiant. Stubborn. Obstinate. Inflexible. Argumentative. These are all words often used to describe a student with behavioral needs. Are behaviors you see in your student considered to be Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), or could it be another behavioral issue? In this course, you will gain an understanding of the root causes of ODD, and learn to modify your responses to behaviors to create a supportive environment. You’ll explore strategies and supports for both school and home, including interventions and schoolwide systems for managing student behavior. Take the opportunity to compare and evaluate the benefits of various therapeutic approaches for both students and their families. By the end of this course, you will gain a better understanding of the causes and symptoms of ODD, and be able to apply strategies to create a supportive learning environment for students.This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 521   School Leadership in Special Education 3 credits

A survey by the Council for Exceptional Children in 2019 reported that special education teachers believe that only 18-26% of their school and district level administration (e.g. principal, general district administrators) are well versed and qualified to support them while they work to ensure a high-quality education for students with special needs. These statistics underscore the opportunity for leaders to bring together special education teachers, families, students, and community partners. Throughout the course, you’ll review the historical context and laws that shape current special education laws, identify your role in the IEP process, how to coach and evaluate special education teachers and determine methods to improve your communication with all stakeholders. Broaden your leadership skills with strategies for inclusive education! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 523   Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Special Education Classroom 3 credits

This course is designed to empower special education teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to create an inclusive and culturally responsive classroom environment. The course emphasizes strategies for culturally responsive teaching practices, promoting equitable approaches to pre-referral/referral processes, IEP development, and effective communication with caregivers. You will learn how to develop instruction based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to meet the diverse needs of students from various cultural backgrounds. Walk away with a comprehensive toolkit to foster inclusive and equitable practices, so every learner can thrive. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 524   Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Students with Exceptionalities 3 credits

Today’s classrooms include students with disabilities. This course will empower teachers to embrace inclusion with expertise and evidence-based instruction along with behavioral management practices to successfully support students with disabilities! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 525   ADHD. Focusing, Learning and Teaching 3 credits

Are you seeking strategies for teaching students with the disability of ADHD how to be successful in the classroom? This course will shed light on the questions and issues with which you likely struggle the most, and help you better meet the needs of students with ADHD in your classroom. Explore executive functions, instructional strategies, as well as methods for increasing appropriate behaviors, treatments, modifications and accommodations for students with the disability of ADHD. ADHD: Focusing, Learning, Teaching is 3 graduate credits and offered in an online course format. This course is designed for teachers and school personnel seeking relicensure, recertification, or salary advancement. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 526   Across the Spectrum:Teaching Students with Autism 3 credits

This course has been designed specifically to help you work with students with disabilities diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the mainstream classroom. You will explore the following components associated with ASD: anxiety, sensory processing, engagement, classroom communication, parent/teacher communication and collaboration, and associated behaviors. You will learn about a myriad of strategies designed to help your students with the disability of autism to experience success in the mainstream classroom. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 527   Succeeding with the Struggling Student 3 credits

This course will explore a myriad of ways to help any student become a successful learner—without remediating, watering down content or repeating it endlessly, or lowering expectations. Many students who struggle to learn simply haven’t been taught strategies that are compatible with the way they think and learn. In this course, you will learn how to teach students appropriate techniques and strategies to help them succeed in the classroom. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 528   Improving Outcomes for Students in Poverty: The Difference Makers 3 credits

This strategy-based course will provide a solid base of information and provide ideas to disrupt the adverse effects of poverty for students. Participants will develop activities to build caring relationships with students based on mutual respect and trust. Additionally, they will develop action plans to incorporate effective instructional practices to promote a culture of possibility in their classroom. They will reflect on their own biases and expectations and develop methods for ensuring equity in their practice. Participants will take time to think about their professional accountability to ALL students and learn about the impacts of efficacy and self-awareness. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 529   Supporting Struggling Students through High Leverage Practices 3 credits

Teaching students with disabilities is challenging albeit rewarding work. Their needs are as varied and complex as the research on how to best help them. To assist educators with this ongoing challenge, Learners Edge has developed this course to provide an overarching view of research based high-leverage practices (HLPs) for use with students with disabilities. Focused on collaboration, assessment, social-emotional-behavioral strategies and instruction, this course will prove helpful and applicable for both special education and general education teachers whose mission is to support students with disabilities. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 530   New Moves for Teaching Students with Disabilities 3 credits

Ready to energize your instruction for students with disabilities? Need a few new moves to increase achievement? Whether you are a special education teacher or a general education teacher, this course will help you choreograph instruction for students with disabilities. Discover what you can do to increase equity, inclusion, and engagement for ALL students and find out how social emotional learning positively impacts both students and adults. Other course topics include co-teaching, assessment, choice, and much more. This course and the course text will become go-to-resources as you teach and reach students with disabilities. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to shake things up! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 531   Special Education Instruction from a Distance 3 credits

Teaching students with disabilities from a distance has its unique challenges. In this course, you'll discover a treasure trove of strategies, tools, and resources on which to build and/or improve online special education instruction for students with disabilities. Special Education Instruction from a Distance provides the opportunity to review and consider new-to-you methods for lesson planning, instruction, collaboration, and technology to ensure engagement for students with disabilities. As a culminating activity, you’ll create an innovative online lesson for students with disabilities and reflect upon it for your professional growth and increased student achievement. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 532   Scaffolding Success for Students with Disabilities 1 credit

Imagine a classroom where students with disabilities are supported using scaffolds for learning success! Just as builders require scaffolding to access new heights, instructional scaffolding helps students with disabilities meet high expectations, navigate content, and accomplish tasks they may not have been able to in the past. This course, all about using scaffolds for students with disabilities, provides the key information you need to understand scaffolds, identify them for use, and integrate them into lessons and learning activities. You will complete the course with several pre-planned and “on the spot” scaffolds to use as you help students with disabilities reach new heights. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 533   A Closer Look at Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia 3 credits

Learn the ins and outs of three common learning disabilities in this no-nonsense course focused on what educators need to know about dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Explore the experiences of parents/families, colleagues, and students who have knowledge of and experience with learning disabilities. Discover how the Science of Reading, assistive technology, and purposeful engagement can positively impact students with learning disabilities. Whether you’re a general or special education teacher, support specialist, or tutor, you’ll take away numerous strategies and resources to help students with the disabilities of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and/or dyscalculia thrive. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 534   Inclusive Support for Students with Severe and Multiple Impairments (SMI) 3 credits

As an educator, you want all your students to feel like they belong in the classroom. When it comes to students with SMI, you may not have the skills and strategies to ensure they feel included in the general education setting. This course provides important tips and processes for how to include students with disabilities like Autism Spectrum Disorder, Speech/Language Impairment, Cerebral Palsy, or Deaf/Blindness. You'll learn how to create tools like visual aids, incorporate multisensory strategies, and use assistive technology. Plus, you'll get practical advice on everything from secondary transitioning to family engagement, along with information on IEPs. By the end of this course, no matter what your role, you'll feel more confident in connecting and supporting students with disabilities in your classroom. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 535   Mastering the Art of Better IEPs 3 credits

As a teacher in Special education, you know how essential it is to be knowledgeable and skilled in writing effective IEPs to support the success of students. This course is designed to enhance your skills in writing Individual Education Plans (IEPs), whether you are new to the profession or a seasoned veteran looking to refresh your knowledge of due process. Learn how to write Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statements, and how to create clear and measurable goals and objectives for students. Develop a data collection tool to track student progress, and engage in collaborative discussions with colleagues to share ideas and best practices. By refining IEP skills, you can better identify and utilize students' strengths to create goals and objectives that will ensure they reach their full potential. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 536   Inclusion and Access for Students with Disabilities 3 credits

From curb cuts to assistive technology, when we advocate for students who are differently abled everybody benefits. Learn the history of disability advocacy from the Gang of 19 to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and be reminded why equity and accessibility matter. Design a checklist to audit your curriculum for inclusion, learn about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and tour an abundance of tech tools designed to break down learning barriers. Explore the diversity of disability, strategies for disability allyship, and the beauty of disability pride. Together with the disability community, we can work toward awareness, recognition, and dignity. Designed for anyone who works with students of any age, in any capacity. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 537   Neurodiversity: A New Approach for Students with Special Needs 3 credits

Neurodiversity—a concept whose time has come—challenges educators to shift from a disability perspective to a diversity perspective, and to use strength-based strategies designed to help students with disabilities be successful in life and in school. For educators, this course encourages educators to focus on the positive assets of students with disabilities who are neurodiverse and neurotypical, and to understand how to support and provide the instruction they need. The following topics specific to teaching students with disabilities are included in the coursework: assessment, communication, strategies for students with autism, dyslexia, strength-based instructional models, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, mental illness, technology for use with students with disabilities, assistive technology, and Universal Design for Learning. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 538   Re-Imagining Trauma-Informed Practices With Equity 1 credit

We know students experience trauma in a variety of contexts, both in and out of school. While we cannot always change the circumstances around trauma, we can ensure all students are cared for by incorporating equity principles as part of our trauma-informed practices, and this course will guide you toward that goal. You’ll engage with ways to implement strategies to push back against deficit thinking, foster unconditional positive regard, and establish healthy boundaries within the classroom. Explore opportunities to incorporate movement or art as therapeutic tools for healing, and to develop a collaborative activity based on critical consciousness. Learn how to challenge the status quo by evaluating school policies to align with equity-centered, trauma-informed practices. By the end of this course, participants will have the tools and framework needed to create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all students. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 539   Strengths-Based Support for Neurodiverse Learners 3 credits

Neurodiversity is a gift to our world, and understanding how to support neurodiverse students is essential in today’s classrooms. This information-packed course provides definitions, strategies, and explanations to shed a fresh perspective on what it means to be neurodiverse. You’ll adapt a lesson to include principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and explore strategies specifically for neurodiverse students. Learn how to improve your positive behavior game with shifts in practice that accommodate the unique needs of students who are neurodiverse, and challenge misconceptions related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Prepare a plan to support students who struggle with executive function, and celebrate neurodiversity and diversity from a strengths-based perspective. This course will show general, content-area, and special education teachers, and supportive staff how to create a learning environment where every student can thrive, regardless of their unique learning needs. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 540   Trauma-Informed Teaching in Early Childhood 3 credits

This course is a warm hug around a topic that is difficult to embrace. Early childhood educators will explore everything from how to define trauma, to determining the meaning behind students’ behaviors in the classroom. Learn how children’s cognitive, language, physical, and social-emotional development are impacted by trauma, and load up on an armful of strategies to make students’ lives better and more manageable. Uncover how trauma-informed and culturally responsive practices make us better educators, and study ways to respond when our youngest students express their experiences. Discover Whole-Classroom Strategies and Individualized Support Plans to ensure our "Littles" feel safe, seen, and supported. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 541   High-Leverage Practices for Supporting Struggling Students 3 credits

Teaching students with disabilities is challenging albeit rewarding work. Their needs are as varied and complex as the research on how to best help them. To assist educators with this ongoing challenge, Learners Edge has developed this course to provide an overarching view of research based high-leverage practices (HLPs) for use with students with disabilities. Focused on collaboration, assessment, social-emotional-behavioral strategies and instruction, this course will prove helpful and applicable for both special education and general education teachers whose mission is to support students with disabilities. This course includes two modules culminating in multiple choice progress checks and one module with a larger application project and reflection requirement? This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 542   Educating with Neurodiversity in Mind 3 credits

In today's inclusive educational landscape, it’s critical to effectively support neurodiverse students in general, content-area, and special education classrooms. This course is packed with resources sharing definitions, strategies, and explanations for a new perspective on what it means to be neurodiverse. Learn how to shift behavior interventions to better serve neurodivergent students, and explore how to support students with executive functioning strategies. Challenge misconceptions related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and celebrate neurodiversity through a strengths-based lens. To culminate your learning, you will adapt a unit to include principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), create a behavior strategies guidebook, or prepare a plan to assist students who struggle with executive function. You’ll leave this course with a new comprehension of neurodiversity, and ideas for appreciating both the strengths and needs of neurodivergent learners. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 543   Navigating Anxiety for Student Well-Being 3 credits

As we continue to learn more about children and their mental health needs, anxiety remains a challenge for students everywhere. This course shares information about the multifaceted aspects of student anxiety, including the role of the brain, impacts of social media on student mental health, and considerations for discussing anxiety with students. You’ll learn about accommodations and modifications for students with anxiety, and connect it to rising school absenteeism challenges. Boost your toolbox with a variety of strategies proven to be successful for students with anxiety, including mindfulness practices, awareness and grounding techniques, and the cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) Triangle. At the end, you will be prepared to share information with colleagues and support students struggling with anxiety through sure-fire strategies learned in the course. You can make a positive impact by understanding the whats, hows, and whys of anxiety. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 544   SEL Skills and Practices for High Potential and Gifted Students 3 credits

While gifted and twice exceptional (2e) students are identified based on talent or affinities, this course addresses students’ often overlooked need for social-emotional learning (SEL) skills. Explore research-based, practical strategies for differentiating instruction for diverse learners, engaging both under- and overachieving students, and create an instructional artifact for colleagues to understand SEL goals for gifted and 2e learners. Analyze and evaluate district and school policies for diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure equitable access for high-potential students. Understand how to mitigate challenges like perfectionism and worrying, while teaching resilience skills. Regardless of content area or specialty, all teachers, participants will have a strong understanding of how to support both the academic and emotional needs of gifted and 2e students.This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 545   Behavior Support for Students with Autism 3 credits

The diversity of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) showcases their unique strengths and perspectives, which can be a great asset to society. This form of neurodiversity can lead to behavior that might be disruptive in a classroom setting. Through the use of case studies and expert resources, this course will break down the basics of common ASD behaviors for general educators and support staff to assist autistic students. Learn about evidence-based practices (EBPs), functions of behavior, replacement behavior, and reinforcements as strategies to understand and address behavior challenges. Explore how visual supports, social stories, video modeling, and an understanding of sensory function can assist autistic students with communication and social skills. Determine how Pathological Demand Avoidance Disorder (PDA) and anxiety can impact how students with ASD behave. Understand how the difference between a medical and social model of disability can reframe our work with these neurodivergent individuals. This important course will shed light and understanding on the best ways to compassionately and efficiently support autistic students.This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.

SNGX 546   Celebrating and Supporting Twice-Exceptional (2e) Learners 3 credits

Imagine a student who's a creative force, but struggles with organization. Or a whiz at math who gets frustrated with reading. These are just some of the unique challenges faced by twice-exceptional (2e) learners, who are identified as gifted and as having a specific learning disability. This course will help you better understand and support your 2e learners so you can champion them! You’ll learn about the essential shift from deficit-based to strengths-based thinking, and how to identify potential learning challenges, executive dysfunction, and processing disorders, through case studies. Explore how motivation strategies and microgoals can inspire 2e learners, and develop a resource to support 2e students’ mental health and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. Finally, you will build a lesson to help students understand and celebrate neurodiversity. This resource-packed course will expand your toolbox to support and celebrate your twice-exceptional learners in meaningful and impactful ways. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.