Technology (TECX)
TECX 502 The Importance of Teaching Digital Literacy 3 credits
Students must understand how to apply digital literacy skills to be successful in the future. This course focuses on the crucial role that digital literacy plays in the field of education. Educators will gain a comprehensive understanding of what is meant by digital literacy, why it's important, and the essential skills and tools needed for students to become digitally literate. Gain insight into the digital citizenship and learn why it is a critical component of being a responsible and ethical member of the online community. By taking this course, you'll be equipped to prepare your students for a future where digital literacy is an essential skill. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 506 Time-Tested Learning Supports 3 credits
This course explores dependable strategies that provide learning supports for students with special needs. You’ll harness the power of differentiation and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to create a learning environment that caters to every student. Explore strategies to assist students with improving Executive Functioning (EF), and investigate technology techniques to boost student engagement. You’ll dig into Assistive Technology (AT) and how it benefits the inclusive classroom, and learn tips for the practical implementation and advantages of AT tools. Whether you are refreshing your knowledge or are learning about these strategies for the first time, you will finish the course feeling well-equipped to create a learning environment for all students. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 508 Using Technology to Transform Research Writing 3 credits
Research writing can be an intimidating topic to approach in the classroom. With so many rules around style and citation, it’s no wonder teachers and students gravitate towards more open-ended styles of writing. However, research writing is an important writing style offering excellent opportunities to create interdisciplinary, real-world content. With the emergence of new digital tools to assist with writing, the research writing process has never felt more manageable! In this course, participants will review resources and tools for teaching research writing and design a variety of digital tools to implement in their own instruction. From mind maps and collaborative digital toolkits, digital resources for teaching editing and revising, and artificial intelligence (AI) tools, participants will develop ways to engage all learners in the writing process! By the end of the course, teachers will know how to make research writing come to life for their students! Come explore all of the digital tools that can transform the research writing classroom! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 509 Coding and Creativity for Students 3 credits
Since 2014, a total of 1 million combined teachers and schools have adopted computer science and coding into their curricula, and for good reason: careers requiring problem-solving and programming knowledge continue to emerge in our world. Coding empowers students to stretch their minds in creative ways, while building an aptitude for problem solving. This course offers educators a start for teaching coding through a basic understanding of vocabulary and concepts, along with age-appropriate resources. You’ll learn about algorithms, debugging, loops, conditionals, and more as you engage with tutorials and activities for beginners. You will understand how to advocate for coding and computer science instruction that is inclusive, diverse, and open to all students. This course is perfect for the educator with limited experience with computer science, who wishes to engage in learning about coding with their students. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 515 Choosing the Right Tech-Tools for Your Classroom 3 credits
Delve into the dynamic world of ed tech with the knowledge and skills you need to select and introduce new tech tools to students. In this course, you'll explore the latest trends in educational technology, learn to critically evaluate ed tech tools for curriculum alignment and accessibility, and gain practical strategies for onboarding students to new tech. Develop a comprehensive tech integration plan for a tool of your choice that includes a gradual release of responsibility framework and considerations for the diverse range of learner needs. With this course as your guide, you'll be equipped to make informed ed tech decisions, ensuring that every tech tool you introduce in your classroom is purposeful, accessible, and seamlessly integrated into your teaching practice. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 517 Planning for Engagement and Rigor in the Online Classroom 3 credits
You have worked hard to create the best online classroom you could, and now, you are looking for strategic ways to make it even better. This course can get you there! You will discover an effective, efficient way to plan for online teaching. You’ll understand and internalize the importance of rigor in remote learning. You will learn, try and apply strategies for increasing engagement. Filled with resources, ideas and videos demonstrating examples of high-impact teaching, this course will give you what you need to improve your online classroom and student learning, even from a distance! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 518 Docs,Slides, and Forms in the Classroom: Your Next Level Google Guide 3 credits
In this course you’ll go beyond the basic features and functions of Google tools, to explore what’s possible with G Suite. You’ll learn how to take Slides, Sheets, and Forms to the next level with interactive, dynamic elements that incorporate 21st-century skills like collaboration, communication, and creativity. You will learn how to design a digital portfolio template to showcase student growth using the versatile Sites platform. We will also show you how to set up your Google Drive and Chrome browser for maximum efficiency and introduce you to Keep, a lesser-known, but powerful Google tool to organize and track your digital workflow. Advance your skills and knowledge of G Suite with this intermediate-level course. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 519 Enhancing Formative Assessment Practices with Technology 3 credits
Boost your formative assessment routine with accessible digital tools. You’ll clarify your approach to daily assessment with 3 key questions-- Where are students going? Where are they now? What are the next steps in learning?-- and use innovative technology to make learning progress visible. With easy tech substitutions, you can collect data more efficiently, empower students to reflect on their own progress, and improve peer feedback pathways. Plot a course for learning with everyday embedded assessments and a renewed focus on continuous progress. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 520 Making the Shift to Blended Learning in Your Classroom 3 credits
Get ready to reinvent the student experience with Blended Learning! We’ll show you how this approach offers a more personalized experience for students through increased connectivity, agency, and creativity in the classroom. Whether you’re an energized educator blazing a trail toward technology integration in your classroom or a progressive school leader looking to support change across several classrooms or buildings, this course will lead you through the development of your blended learning vision and the creation of a comprehensive roadmap to guide your journey towards innovation. You’ll gain insights into building and sustaining a blended learning culture, explore and apply digital tools including Screencastify and Hyperdocs to support learning objectives, and design learning activities (for adult or student learners) using blended learning models like Station Rotation, Flipped Classroom, Individual Rotations, and A La Carte. No matter the pathway, you’re sure to advance your knowledge and skills with this course designed for those ready to take technology integration to the next level. This is an intermediate-level course. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 521 Integrating Innovative Classroom Technology 3 credits
Whether you’re just beginning to dip your toes into the ed tech waters or ready to dive in head first, this course will give you a strong foundation in technology integration best practices to support increased engagement and academic outcomes in your diverse classroom. Throughout this course, you’ll learn how to move beyond online skills practice and word processing to integrate meaningful technology into your classroom routine. We’ll show you how to build lessons with the SAMR and the ISTE frameworks in mind and introduce you to simple digital tools that encourage creativity and critical thinking. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 522 Teaching with Video to Support Digital Classroom Success 3 credits
Bring your lessons to life with video that engages students and supports your curricular goals. Whether you’re planning for your flipped or blended classroom, taking a dive into personalized learning, or just looking to add more digital content to your lessons, this course is for you. Participants will learn to filter through the myriad of online content to curate high-quality, relevant videos to support classroom curriculum. We’ll show you some free web tools to record video for instruction, feedback, and differentiated student support. Participants will develop lessons that include both curated and created video content that build higher-order thinking skills and help tap into students’ creative brains This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 523 Digital Tools in the Connected Classroom 3 credits
In this course, you’ll explore and evaluate various digital tools available online to support student learning and the acquisition of 21st Century skills known as the 4Cs-- communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. You’ll develop lessons and a project plan that integrate the 4Cs with supportive digital tools, all while hitting core standards educators are required to cover. No matter the grade or subject you teach, you’ll come away with a better understanding of the digital tools available, and plenty of applicable strategies to incorporate technology that engages, enhances and extends learning. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 524 Teaching Online with Equity in Mind 3 credits
Looking for guidance as you bring your classroom online? This course provides a solid foundation for any educator making the shift from traditional face-to-face instruction to online teaching. You’ll learn about best practices for developing high-quality tech-based lessons, facilitating online discussions and incorporating a host of digital tools to support learning goals. To reach and teach all learners, participants will investigate challenges and solutions surrounding digital equity, that affect English Learners, students receiving special education, and students without internet at home. Additionally, they will review and reflect on methods for connecting with students, parents and other educators, and using culturally responsive strategies to ensure equity when teaching online. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 525 Teaching Media Literacy in a Fake News World 3 credits
Filled with resources, videos, strategies, and more, Teaching Media Literacy in a Fake News World, will have you digging deep into this timely topic. Investigate media literacy, fake news basics, and effective and engaging teaching strategies. Discover the five components of media literacy education, and uncover reliable methods for educating students about fake news. Reflect on current practices and develop opportunities to apply new learning to your classroom or school for a real, relevant impact on 21st Century students. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 526 Cultivating Digital Citizenship in Today’s Classroom 3 credits
Ready to join the ranks of super digital citizens? This course will immerse you in ideas and resources covering all nine characteristics of digital citizenship skills to help students embody skills to act responsibly, ethically and safely online. You’ll participate in a collaborative effort to examine digital equity, create an innovative approach to identify reliable sources, and shift the response to cyberbullying from reactive to proactive. If that’s not enough, you’ll become a forward thinking superhero in your school or building by engaging with creative lessons, activities, and resources to support the infusion of strong digital citizenship skills into instruction. Join us as we strive for a better digital world! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 527 The Keys to a Connected Google Classroom 3 credits
Learning the ins and outs of Google Classroom is no small feat! In this course, educators will learn the basics of creating your first class to more intermediate level techniques for building and managing a streamlined Google Classroom. With helpful video tutorials from Google certified trainers and educators, you will explore various ways to post assignments, collect and grade student work, and learn about time-saving strategies to provide feedback. With your new digital skill set, you’ll have what you need to keep your Google Classroom running smoothly and efficiently all year long! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 528 Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Students, Wellness, and Society 3 credits
For digital natives, social media has become the primary way to communicate. It has also become a big obsession: keeping up with one another, using photos and “likes” as currency. Exploring the Impact of Social Media will help educators and in turn, digital natives, understand the effects of social media on the brain, and how the coding in apps aim to keep us paying attention. Social media is a tool, not good or bad, but too much use can be detrimental to health and self-identity. This course illuminates the benefits and the drawbacks of our online interactions so we can all learn to regulate our use of social media, along with several creative ways to keep technology in its place. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 529 Integrating Computational Thinking and Coding Across the Curriculum 3 credits
Technology influences everything-- the way we work, play, communicate, teach, and learn. Sure, your students can navigate their iPad or smartphone like a pro, but do they really understand these complex systems? Are they equipped to solve challenging problems and design the technology of the future? To better prepare students for an increasingly computational world, educators must introduce computer science concepts early and often throughout their schooling. In this course, we’ll demystify computational thinking (an effective problem solving process) and unpack the skills, concepts, and mental habits needed to solve complex problems. Learn how the universal components of computational thinking like decomposition, pattern recognition, and debugging apply not only to science and math, but also to literature and art! Tinker with some free coding tools and learn strategies to engage students of all ages and backgrounds in abstract thinking and creativity with computers. Whether you teach general ed, STEM, kindergarten or middle school, this course will provide the knowledge and strategies you need to create a community of future-ready computational thinkers! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 530 Creating Adventure and Engagement with Gamification 3 credits
Journey to the lost “Island of Engagement” where you’ll complete a variety of challenges to uncover the powerful secrets of gamification and playful learning! In this gamified course, you’ll explore ways to combine tried and true instructional methods with the science of gamification to transform any lesson or classroom routine. Using your island map as a guide, you’ll discover essential game mechanics (like story, teams, levels, timers, rewards, etc.), determine the best brain-based strategies to increase engagement, and explore ready-to-go game templates to infuse new energy and excitement into your classroom. Upon completion of your heroic quest (and defeat of the “Big Boss”), you will have created a fully developed, gamified unit that’s ready for launch. Get ready for an epic adventure to create play with a purpose! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 531 Teaching with Immersive Technologies 3 credits
Virtual and augmented reality (AR/VR) are no longer relegated to the gaming and science fiction worlds! These immersive technologies, which create life-like experiences by merging both the physical and digital world, are surprisingly easy to use. Dinosaurs in the classroom? A trip to the pyramids of Egypt? No problem! In this course, you’ll learn about the unique characteristics of AR and VR, and tinker with specific apps and websites like Google Earth, FlipgridAR, and CoSpaces Edu. This resource-filled course will help you design innovative learning experiences that not only engage your students, but also enhance and extend learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. This course is ideal for intermediate level tech users that are comfortable navigating web and mobile apps, and open to learning to create in 3D. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 532 Project Based Learning for the Digital Age 3 credits
Are you looking for ways to bring innovative, engaging, and authentic projects into your classroom? This course introduces you to the key elements of designing, implementing, and managing project based learning experiences in the online and face-to-face classroom. Using best-practice frameworks, you will learn strategies to empower your students as they explore their passions, collaborate with others, and create projects that answer challenging real-world problems. Get ready to design your own project and see why so many educators think project based learning is key to the future of innovative learning! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 533 Technology on the Move, Best Practices for Balancing Movement and Tech 3 credits
In this timely course, you will explore both the risks and the rewards of technology use in the classroom and how movement can be easily integrated into lessons and learning. The course text is filled with just the right amount of acronyms to ensure easy recall of movement and tech strategies, including Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques (SMART) designed to manage student stress and boost resilience. You will grow in your educational expertise as you become a Movement and Tech Educator (MTE) and an agent of change. Make plans for a bright future and join the movement-Movement that will ensure students’ tech use is accompanied with a healthy body and mind in your face-to-face or virtual classroom. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 534 Boosting Classroom Creativity Through Canva 1 credit
How many times have you told yourself you aren’t the creative type or that you don’t have an eye for design? That’s all about to change! In this course, you will discover ways visuals can enhance creativity and student engagement through brain-based strategies and the free online tool, Canva. Canva empowers you to design professional looking infographics, anchor charts, and other lesson materials with just a few clicks. You’ll reflect on your current level of creativity and determine new ways to infuse creativity into your classroom routines and lessons. Not only is creating in Canva easy and fun, it can also allow you to create more meaningful learning experiences for your students! Ready to get in touch with your creative side? Let’s go! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 535 Technology for Littles 3 credits
Technology is here to stay, and our PreK-2nd graders are energetic and enthusiastic about using it! To ensure technology is appropriate and young students have positive experiences, it is important to understand best practices and principles. In this course, you will articulate your beliefs about this age group's use of technology in the classroom, and “tinker” with a variety of tech tools, explore the many aspects of digital citizenship and internet safety. Learn about the SAMR (Substitute, Augment, Modify, Redefine) model, then select your pathway for adding apps and tools for teaching and learning into your professional practice. Design checklists and visual organizers that guide students in tech basics like logging on, passwords, and charging devices. Impact impressionable learners by creating activities that demonstrate how equity, accessibility, and social-emotional learning are influenced by technology, and celebrate the joy and discovery tech brings! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 536 Making Magic with Google Sheets and Forms 3 credits
Whether you consider yourself a novice techie or edtech expert, this course will get you thinking outside of the box to see Google Forms and Sheets in a whole new way! You’ll learn practical ideas for using these lesser-known Google tools to automate and differentiate assessments, then collect and analyze data with built-in formulas and functions (it’s easier than you think!). We’ll also showcase how Forms and Sheets can help you communicate with families, deliver engaging lessons, and increase teacher productivity. Explore the Google Workspace Marketplace to identify add-ons that enhance and extend the functionality of Forms and Sheets. In the end, you’ll walk away with ready-to-use documents and activities to boost efficiency and innovation. Discover the magic of these classic tech tools with our fresh take on Google Forms and Sheets! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 537 Harness the Power of Screen Time in Your Classroom 1 credit
Are you concerned about the effects of excessive screen time on your students? This course is here to help! Although research shows many negative effects on students’ brains, even when they follow age-appropriate guidelines, we believe that screen time isn't inherently "good" or "bad": it all depends on how we use it. Learn how to evaluate and set age-appropriate goals for intentional ed tech use with the SAMR framework. Discover ways to transform your students from passive consumers to active creators by utilizing resources that celebrate creativity. Explore ways to increase engagement in the classroom through gamification and activities that incorporate social media. By the end of the course, you will have a wealth of resources and strategies to use screen time in the classroom in fun, engaging, and beneficial ways. Join us as we explore the possibilities of screen time in education! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 538 Tech Tools for Time Management 1 credit
Tackle time management with help from technology! Learn strategies to help all education professionals become more productive and efficient with intentional scheduling, focus, and organizational tools. Use digital to-do lists to set priorities and checklists to track routine tasks. Reduce stress and overwhelm with assistance from apps to lighten your mental load. Learn to create boundaries and say “no” to overwork, and prioritize time for yourself, too! Time management is all about finding what works for your needs and style, so we’ve provided plenty of options and room to experiment along the way. Whether you’re just starting your time management journey or already finesse schedules like a pro, you’ll find tips and ideas to take your practice to the next level. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 539 Create and Captivate: Using Online Presentations to Teach 3 credits
This course will provide you with the knowledge and skill to deliver an engaging presentation using online tools. You’ll learn how to leverage instructional and visual design to enhance presentations, and how you can structure your presentation to effectively communicate ideas and engage your audience. You’ll take a look at why color is important, how photos help learning stick, and why clip art doesn’t. You’ll be exposed to a variety of platforms for creating interactive presentations, that include embedded videos and screencasts. You’ll discover new alternative uses for presentation slide decks, such as an ebook or teacher planning canvas. Then, you’ll create wonderfully engaging online presentations for use in your professional role. This is an intermediate level course. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 540 One Stop Shop: Online Docs Spreadsheets, Slides and Forms for your Classroom 3 credits
This course will prepare you to take your classroom to the next level using a host of Google apps. You’ll learn how to set up and organize your Google Drive and Chrome browsers for optimal efficiency. We will teach you step-by-step how to leverage the creative and collaborative features of Google documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, forms and sites to increase engagement in your classroom. Participants will also design innovative lessons that enhance and extend student learning. Upon completion, you’ll be able to immediately implement the skills and ideas you’ve gathered throughout the course to improve content delivery and teach essential 21st-century skills that will help your students thrive in the digital age. This beginner-level course will demonstrate the power of the Google™ Suite of Apps to help you design innovative learning experiences that integrate technology in meaningful ways. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 541 Choose Your Own EdTech Adventure 3 credits
This course is not like other independent study opportunities. There will be choice, adventure, and fun ahead! In this Choose Your Own Adventure-style learning experience, you’ll engage in guided exploration of a specific edtech tool of your choice. Whether you’re a beginner looking to integrate a tool to support student learning, or an advanced user ready to take your tech implementation to the next level, we’ve got you covered! We’ll share best practices for evaluating and learning to use edtech tools, and strategies for sharing your knowledge with colleagues. You’ll review ways other educators use the edtech tool and ultimately make a plan for implementation in your setting. Along the way, we’ve incorporated choice in how you share your learning, as well as gamified elements to ensure your edtech adventure is action-packed. Blend learning and fun as you master a new tool, level up your tech integration, and support innovation at the same time! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 542 Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education 3 credits
What do autocorrect, Siri, traffic navigation, and your “watch next” list have in common? They’re all examples of how we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) every day! Once science fiction, AI technologies are increasingly embedded in our lives. Whether this fills you with excitement or trepidation, AI literacy is essential for all educators, and students–and this course is your virtual assistant along the way! You’ll develop a foundational understanding of AI and consider the challenges and opportunities it offers in education. Explore specific AI tools like ChatGPT and Curipod to streamline your teacher workflow, support innovative lesson design, and save time. Discover how to personalize learning with adaptive technologies and inform instruction with AI-powered assessment. Prepare students to understand and use AI responsibly, and level-up lessons with AI enhancement. Finally, you’ll explore considerations for school policies around safe and ethical uses of AI in the classroom. The future is here, and this course will equip you with the knowledge and awareness to navigate it successfully! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 543 Amplify Learning with Podcasts in the Classroom 1 credit
“Lend me your ears” for a unique podcast-based course–a podcourse! Discover how teaching and learning with podcasts can amplify student engagement and achievement, boost listening skills, and support diverse learners. Expand your pedagogy with educator podcast episodes on a range of topics. Listen up for guidance on selecting educational podcasts to meet your students’ needs, and ideas to incorporate them into lessons across grade levels and content areas. Whether you’re an avid podcast listener or are just tuning in to this versatile medium, you’ll add to your queue of fresh ways to use podcasts in the classroom. Bonus: We’ve created a playlist just for participants in this course–so you can press play and learn on your way! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 544 Immersive Learning with Google Arts & Culture 1 credit
Make learning come alive with Google Arts & Culture! Discover the incredible resources available on this digital database with artwork, artifacts, and 360-degree images of natural wonders, cultural sites, and more. Whether you teach the arts, history, STEM, world language, or another content area, Google Arts & Culture offers resources to enhance learning and engage students. Global museum collections, themed topic areas, virtual field trips in augmented and virtual reality, and interactive experiments connect students with real-world, immersive experiences. Curate exciting and memorable lessons with ready-to-go resources made for educators. In this exploratory course, you’ll familiarize yourself with Google Arts & Culture resources and “wow” students as you bring the world to the classroom with technology. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 545 Teaching with Tech in the Content Areas 3 credits
Transform teaching and learning in your content-area classroom with thoughtful technology integration! This course will guide educators in all content areas–from ELA, to STEM, to social studies, the arts, and more–in creating engaging, interactive, differentiated learning experiences supported by tech tools. You’ll begin with tips for purposeful integration with a grounding in edtech frameworks, universal design for learning (UDL), and digital citizenship. Then, you’ll explore a curated collection of edtech tools for students and educators. Discover best practices and resources for implementing gamified learning, augmented and virtual reality, and artificial intelligence tools. And, because we believe the best way to become adept with edtech is jumping right in, we’ve incorporated a variety of tech tools into the course design, so you can try them out as a learner. You’ll complete this course inspired and empowered to level up technology integration in the content areas! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 546 Building Equity in the Tech Rich Classroom 3 credits
Looking for guidance as you bring your classroom online? This course provides a solid foundation for any educator broadening their teaching format to include online teaching. Explore best practices for high-quality tech-based lessons, facilitating discussions and including of digital tools in your instruction. Investigate challenges and solutions surrounding digital equity affecting English Learners, students with learning needs, and students who do not have home access to reliable internet. Reflect on methods for connecting with students, parents and other educators, and using culturally responsive strategies to ensure equity when teaching on- and offline. This course includes two modules culminating in multiple-choice progress checks and one module with a larger application project and reflection requirement. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 547 Empowering Responsible Learners Through Media Literacy 3 credits
Empowering Responsible Learners Through Media Literacy offers resources, videos, and strategies, to develop an understanding of media literacy, credibility in resources, and effective and engaging teaching strategies. You'll review each of the five components of media literacy education and learn reliable methods for educating students about information credibility. This course includes two modules culminating in multiple-choice progress checks and one module with a larger application project and reflection requirement. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 548 Google Tools to Up Your Classroom Game 3 credits
This course will help you “up your classroom game” using a host of Google apps. You’ll learn how to set-up and organize your Google Drive and Chrome browser for optimal efficiency. Step-by-step we will teach you how to enlist the creative and collaborative features of Google documents, slideshows, spreadsheets, forms and sites to increase engagement in your classroom and teacher efficiency. Participants will ultimately design an innovative, tech-infused unit of study or website that supports student learning. Upon completion of the course, you’ll be able to immediately implement the skills and ideas you’ve gathered to help your students thrive in the digital age. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 549 Promoting Social Good with Ed Tech 3 credits
Empower students to become agents of change through bold teaching and educational technology! Students will be inspired to dream, design and act through practical, purpose-driven projects that drive social good. Discover how the meaningful use of technology, peacemaking, storytelling, and collaboration with diverse local and global populations impacts learning and motivates action. Inspire students to change the world in this fresh, influential course designed to promote positive change through innovative educational technology. To get the best course experience, you will need a Twitter account. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 550 Unveiling Efficiency & Engagement with the Magic School AI Tool 3 credits
What enchanting technology grants teachers the gift of extra time? Enter the Artificial Intelligence-powered world of Magic School AI! Among the growing field of generative AI tools, Magic School AI has emerged as a comprehensive favorite designed to meet educators’ needs. This easy-to-use, free, customizable tool is a powerful teacher assistant, simplifying tasks like differentiating lessons, creating assessments, designing IEPs, crafting clear communication, and more. This course will take you from basic navigation to innovative creation with Magic AI’s rubric, choice board, and exemplar generators. Discover recommended tools tailored to your role and content area, and ideas for using the embedded MagicStudent tool to create a safe, guided AI experience for students. Whether you're an AI novice or an experienced user, this course unveils the enchanting features of Magic School and will empower you to apply timesaving teaching tools with confidence and creativity. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 551 Empowering Students with Assistive Technology 3 credits
Assistive Technology (AT) can be the key to ensuring success for all students! Although the inclusion of AT provides different ways for students to access information, the content remains the same! Explore the vast array of high and low tech tools to support students including the speech-to-text, assistive listening devices, and speaking aids, along with resources for specific content areas. You’ll even learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play a role in AT! Strengthen communication and collaboration between home and school by creating a resource to demystify the AT selection process for families. Design or modify a lesson plan using Universal Design for Learning (UDL), that includes AT tools to ensure every learner has the chance to shine. This course provides space for both discovery and application to empower students through the use of AT. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 552 Teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy for Students 3 credits
From ChatGPT to TikTok algorithms to shopping recommendations, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly embedded in students’ daily lives, transforming industries, and shaping future education and career pathways. That’s why empowering students with AI literacy–the knowledge and skills to understand, navigate, and critically engage with AI–has become an essential priority for educators. In this timely course, you’ll develop lessons and strategies to teach students how AI systems work, how to use them safely and effectively, and how to thoughtfully evaluate the ethical implications, societal impacts, and data privacy concerns AI technologies present. You’ll develop hands-on practices to integrate AI education across content areas, cultivate critical thinking skills, and assess AI literacy. Let’s prepare students to be informed and responsible citizens, consumers, and creators in an AI-driven world! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 553 Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Innovative Instruction 3 credits
Explore the transformative capabilities of artificial intelligence tools to optimize instruction while lightening your teacher workload! Learn how AI can become your invaluable "teaching assistant," streamlining the creation of lesson plans, presentations, and assessments. Navigate AI safely and effectively with guidelines for evaluating data privacy, bias, and accuracy. Harness the power of language models like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot to save time and reduce burnout. Discover specialized prompt tools tailored to educators' unique needs, from content creation to personalized learning pathways. Customize activities for individual student needs with features like text leveling, speech-to-text, translation, and more. Introduce students to custom chatbots and AI tutors in monitored spaces, elevating engagement and building AI literacy. Level up your lesson planning with AI assistance, and boost efficiency and effectiveness in your classroom! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 554 Building Classroom Community and Engagement with Social Media #TeacherTok 3 credits
Bring the adage, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em” to the classroom through engagement with social media! Explore the power of social media apps like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram to motivate and engage students in the learning process. Fill your teaching toolbox with hashtags, ideas, and resources for incorporating social media in the classroom. Try your hand at social media content creation and learn strategies for amplifying your instruction with apps as your assistants. This dynamic course will leave you a proud member of the #TeacherTok universe and ready to take on social media in your classroom! This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 555 Rethinking Assignments and Assessments in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 3 credits
Navigate the AI revolution in education and empower students to thrive! In this course, you'll gain the strategies to intentionally design assignments and assessments that are AI-resistant or AI-integrated, depending on your instructional goals. Develop practices to encourage academic integrity while cultivating critical thinking, creativity, and authentic learning. Explore the evolving landscape of plagiarism and cheating in the AI era, rethink traditional assessment methods, and become an advocate for innovative approaches that prepare students for the future. Learn how to strike the balance between setting clear expectations for AI use and empowering students to responsibly harness AI's potential. You'll be equipped to confidently manage AI use, integrate AI tools effectively, and engage students with AI literacy and future-ready skills. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 556 An Educator's Guide to Navigating Cell Phone Use in School 1 credit
Let’s face it, cell phones are everywhere in schools, whether we want them to be or not! This course explores the complicated world of smartphones and evaluates their use in education. Review both sides of the device debate, explore cell phone policies from across the country, and develop your own cell phone policy and implementation plan. Design digital citizenship activities and lessons incorporating smartphone technology to learn about their potential use in schools. By the end of this course, you will be ready to tackle cell phones as both a tool and topic of conversation in your classroom. This course is offered through the Teaching Channel.
TECX 557 Organize Your Way to a Happier Digital Life 1 credit
You’ve organized your classroom, your closets, and your cupboards, but what about your digital life? If you’re ready to understand the impact of digital organization, come along and tidy your most used digital spaces, Google Drive, or Chrome browser. Begin at the beginning by decluttering and cleaning your physical workspace, then dive in and discover how organization sets you free from endless digital distractions. Discover the impact of digital clutter on mental health, conquer Google Drive chaos, tidy your Chrome toolbar, and streamline bookmarks and extensions. Learn why Google is designed so you don’t “have” to know where things are, and explore best practices for inventorying and organizing your digital world. From boosting productivity to reducing stress, discover the “life changing magic” of digital decluttering, along with strategies to sustain order in all your tech spaces for a happier digital life! (This course is offered through the Teaching Channel)