Catalog A-Z Index
- Academic Calendars
- Academic Integrity for Graduate Students
- Academic Policies and Procedures: Graduate
- Accounting (ACC)
- Accounting Major (BS Adult)
- Accounting Major (BS Traditional)
- Accounting Minor
- Accreditation and Enrollment
- Actuarial Science (BS)
- Administrative Organization and Faculty
- Admission Information
- Art (ART)
- Art Education/Teaching (Grades K-12) Major (BA Traditional)
- Art History Minor
- Artificial Intelligence (MS)
- Art Studio Major (BA Traditional)
- Art Studio Minor
- Biblical Languages Minor
- Biblical Studies (BA)
- Biochemistry Major (BS Traditional)
- Biology (BIO)
- Biology Major (BA Traditional)
- Biology Major (BS Traditional)
- Biology Minor
- Business Administration Major (BA Adult; Online Only)
- Business Administration Major (BS)
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Accounting (MBA)
- Business Administration with an emphasis in Artificial Intelligence (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Cybersecurity (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Digital Marketing (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Finance (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Health Care Management (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Human Resources (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Organizational Leadership (MBA)
- Business Administration with an Emphasis in Project Management (MBA)
- Business Administration with Emphasis in Business Analytics (MBA)
- Business Analytics (Certificate)
- Business Analytics (MS)
- Business (BUS)
- Business Management Major (BA Traditional)
- Business Management Minor
- Catalog A-Z Index
- Catalog Contents
- Certificates
- Chemistry (CHE)
- Chemistry Major (BA Traditional)
- Chemistry Minor
- Child Development (CHD)
- Child Development Major (BA Adult; Online Only)
- Child Learning and Development Major (BA Traditional)
- Christian Ministry (CHM)
- Christian Ministry Major (BA Traditional)
- Church Music Major (BA Traditional)
- Coaching and Athletic Administration (MS)
- Coaching & Sport Psychology (BA Traditional)
- College and Departmental Organization and Faculty
- Colloquy (CLQ)
- Communication Arts and Literature Education/Teaching Major (Grades 5-12) (BA Traditional)
- Communication Studies (COM)
- Communication Studies Major (BA Traditional)
- Communication Studies Minor
- Computer Science (CSC)
- Computer Science Major (BS Online Only)
- Computer Science Minor
- Computer Science (MS)
- Computer Science Technology (CST)
- Counseling (CONX)
- Course Descriptions
- Creative Writing (MFA)
- Criminal Justice (CJU)
- Criminal Justice Leadership (MA)
- Criminal Justice Major
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Criminal Justice POST Certificate
- Curriculum Instruction (CI)
- Cybersecurity (Certificate)
- Cybersecurity (MS)
- Data Analytics and Engineering (MS)
- Data Analytics (Certificate)
- Data Analytics (DAT)
- Data Analytics (DATX)
- Data Analytics (MS)
- Data Science (MS)
- Definition of Academic Terms
- Definition of Academic Terms
- Degrees and Programs
- Design Minor
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography(AAS)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography with an Echocardiography Concentration (AAS)
- Differentiated Instruction (DI)
- Digital Marketing (BS)
- Digital Marketing (DMCX)
- Digital Marketing Minor
- Director of Christian Education
- Director of Christian Outreach
- Director of Parish Music
- Dissertation (DIS)
- Doctoral Studies (DOC)
- Early Childhood (ECC)
- Early Childhood Education Certificate
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Early Childhood Education/Teaching Major (Birth-Grade 3) (BA Traditional)
- Echocardiography (ECH)
- Economics (ECO)
- Educational Specialist (EdS)
- Educational Technology (ET)
- Education (ED)
- Education (EdD)
- Education (EDU)
- Education (EDUX)
- Education Leadership (EDL)
- Education Minor
- Education with an Emphasis in Differentiated Instruction (MA)
- Education with an Emphasis in Early Childhood (MA)
- Education with an Emphasis in Educational Leadership (MA)
- Education with an Emphasis in Educational Technology (MA)
- Education with an Emphasis in English as a Second Language (MA)
- Education with an Emphasis in Literacy (Including K-12 Reading Endorsement) (MA)
- Education with an Emphasis in Trauma and Resilience in Educational Settings (MA)
- Elementary Education/Teaching Major (Grades K-6) (BA)
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- English as a Second Language (ESLX)
- English (ENG)
- English Language Arts (ELAX)
- English Minor
- English with an Emphasis in Creative Writing Major (BA Traditional)
- English with an Emphasis in Journalism and Professional Writing Major (BA Traditional)
- English with an Emphasis in Literature Major (BA Traditional)
- Exercise Science Major (BA Traditional, BA Adult Online)
- Exercise Science Major (BS Traditional)
- Exercise Science Major with an Emphasis in Athletic Training (BS Traditional)
- Exercise Science Minor
- Exercise Science (MS)
- Faculty
- Family and Parent Coaching Certificate
- Family and Parent Coaching Minor
- Family Science (FAS)
- Family Science (MA)
- Family Science Major (BA Adult; Online Only)
- Family Science Major (BA Traditional)
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance Major (BS Traditional)
- Finance Minor
- Financial Aid/Scholarships
- General Education Requirements
- General Studies Major (BA)
- Geography (GE)
- Gerontology Minor
- Global Undergraduate Programs
- Graduate Academic Information
- Graduate Catalog
- Graduate Programs
- Graduate Programs
- Graduation Requirements
- Graduation Requirements: Graduate Programs
- Graphic Design Major (BA Traditional)
- Graphic Design Major (BFA Traditional)
- Greek (GRK)
- Health Care Administration Major (BA Adult; Online Only)
- Health Care Administration Minor
- Health Care (HCR)
- Health Education Teaching Major (Grades 5-12) (BA Traditional)
- Hebrew (HBR)
- History (HIS)
- History Major (BA Traditional)
- History Minor
- Hmong (HMG)
- Hmong Studies Minor
- Human Resource Management (BS)
- Human Resource Management (HRG)
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Human Resource Management (MA)
- Human Services (HSV)
- Human Services with an Emphasis in Forensic Behavioral Health (MA)
- Human Services with an Emphasis in Trauma, Resilience and Self-Care Strategies (MA)
- Information Systems (BS)
- Information Systems Minor
- Information Technology Management (MS)
- Information Technology Mgt (ITM)
- Information Technology (MS)
- Intercultural Communication Minor
- International Business Major (BS Traditional)
- International Business Minor
- International Programs (ITS)
- International Studies Minor
- Interscholastic Coaching Minor
- Italian (ITA)
- Kinesiology (EdD) with an Emphasis in Exercise and Sport Nutrition
- Kinesiology (EdD) with an Emphasis in Exercise Physiology
- Kinesiology (EdD) with an Emphasis in Exercise Science
- Kinesiology (EdD) with an Emphasis in Strength and Conditioning
- Kinesiology (KHS)
- Kinesiology (PhD) with an Emphasis in Exercise and Sport Nutrition
- Kinesiology (PhD) with an Emphasis in Exercise Physiology
- Kinesiology (PhD) with an Emphasis in Exercise Science
- Kinesiology (PhD) with an Emphasis in Strength and Conditioning
- Leadership and Management (MA)
- Leadership & Management (MLM)
- Legal Notices
- Lutheran Classroom Teacher Minor
- Lutheran Theology Minor
- Majors
- Management and Leadership (BS)
- Management and Leadership (MAL)
- Management (MAN)
- Marketing Major with Emphasis in Digital Marketing (BS Traditional)
- Marketing Management Minor
- Marketing Management (MKM)
- Marketing (MAR)
- Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Mathematics Major (BA Traditional)
- Mathematics Major (BS Traditional)
- Mathematics (MAT)
- Mathematics Minor
- Math (MATX)
- Minors
- Music Business (BA Traditional)
- Music Education/Teaching Major (Grades K-12 Instrumental and Classroom Music and/or Vocal and Classroom Music (BA Traditional)
- Music Major (BA Traditional)
- Music Minor
- Music (MUS)
- NCAA Eligibility
- Non-Profit Management Minor
- Nursing Major (ABSN)
- Nursing Major (BSN Adult)
- Nursing Major (BSN Quarter Credit)
- Nursing Major (BSN Traditional)
- Nursing (MSN)
- Nursing (NRC)
- Nursing (NUR)
- Nutrition (NDMX)
- Orthotics and Prosthetics Major (BS Traditional)
- Orthotics and Prosthetics (MS)
- Orthotics and Prosthetics (OP)
- Parent and Teacher Impact (PTIX)
- PE and Health (PEHX)
- Photography Minor
- Physical Education (Grades K-12) and Health (Grades 5-12) Teaching Major (BA Traditional)
- Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Physics (PHS)
- Political Science Minor
- Political Science (POL)
- Positive Behavior Interventions (PBIX)
- Pre-Audiology
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Dental
- Pre-Engineering
- Pre-Genetic Counseling
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Medicine
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Professional Programs
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine
- Previous Catalogs
- Professional Church Work Programs
- Program Requirements
- Project Management (PMP)
- Project Management (PMPX)
- Psychology Major (BA Adult; Online Only)
- Psychology Major (BA Traditional)
- Psychology Major (BS Traditional)
- Psychology Minor
- Psychology (PSY)
- Public Health Major (BS)
- Public Health Minor
- Public Health (MPH)
- Public Health (PUB)
- Public Relations Major (BA Traditional)
- Public Relations Minor
- Sales and Business Development Minor
- Sales (SLS)
- School of Continuing Studies
- Science (SCI)
- Science (SCIX)
- Secondary Education Major (Done in Conjunction with Biology, Chemistry or Math Major)
- Social/Emotional Learning (SELX)
- Social Studies Education/Teaching (Grades 5-12) Major (BA Traditional)
- Social Studies (SSTX)
- Sociology Major (BA Traditional)
- Sociology Minor
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPA)
- Special Education (SPED)
- Special Education with an Emphasis in Autism Spectrum Disorders (MA)
- Special Education with an Emphasis in Emotional Behavioral Disorders (MA)
- Special Education with an Emphasis in Specific Learning Disabilities (MA)
- Special Needs and Gifted Students (SNGX)
- Sport Communication (BA Traditional)
- Sport Communication Minor
- Sport Management (MA)
- Sport Management Major (BA Traditional; BA Adult Online)
- Sport Management Minor
- Sport Psychology Minor
- Strategic Communication Management (MA)
- Strength and Conditioning (MS)
- Student Code of Conduct
- Student Services/Activities
- Student Support Services (SSS)
- Supply Chain Management (BS)
- Supply Chain Management (SCMX)
- Teacher Education Leadership (TELX)
- Teacher Wellness (TEWX)
- Teaching (MAT)
- Teaching Strategies (TSTX)
- Technology (TECX)
- The Arts (ARTX)
- Theatre Major (BA Traditional)
- Theatre Minor
- Theatre (THR)
- Theology Major (BA Traditional)
- Trauma, Resilience and Self-Care Strategies (Certificate)
- Tuition and Fees
- Undergraduate Academic Information
- Undergraduate Catalog
- Undergraduate Traditional Programs
- University Information
- University Organization and Faculty